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Now you can flirt and chat with singles near you using the new Nightline free chat app. Browse voice profiles, send and receive instant voice messages, or connect one-on-one for a completely private conversation. What you talk about is up to you! It’s 100% free to download, fast, discreet and easy to use. Everyone you hear on the Nightline app is live, and ready for hot chat. Go ahead and flirt shamelessly – with real time voice chat you can connect safely and easily without sharing your phone number and you’ll enjoy faster, clearer communication versus traditional texting. It’s so fun and easy to listen to local or national singles and send private voice messages using your handheld android device. Ladies get the thrill of talking to someone new safely, without revealing your specific location or identifying information.Nightline – Your After Party Starts Now

- Access to callers on the world’s busiest phone chat line network
- All men receive a complimentary FREE trial
- Listen to local or National voice profiles 24-7
- Record your voice greeting
- Always FREE for women
- Private, one-on-one phone conversations
- Exchange instant voice messages
- Your identity, phone number and specific location are never revealed
- Block unwanted users
- 24/7 customer service